Thursday, January 29, 2009

You Have What You SAY!

We have what we say We know that's a biblical truth. It says it in Mark 11:23, Matthew 21:21, James 3:2.
Yet we often slip with our confessions. I have to work on that daily myself. It's so easy to talk like the world instead of talking the Word. And if we aren't careful we get what we have spoken. A Big mess!

What you have in your life right now is a product of what you have been saying. If you don't like what you have, you must
change what's coming out of your mouth. You got to change you thoughts. Stop thinking about the negative stuff that's not of God. If it's something that makes you wonder.. If your going to make it, etc. Stop dwelling on those thoughts.. they're not of God!
You got to redirect your thought pattern. Change your thoughts from death-to life, sickness to health, failure to success... you must take charge of your words. I know for some.. it will be very hard to change your words. BUT try it-!!
If you slip with a negative word.. STOP!!!! pluck it up and put a good word in it's place. It won't be long until you will get it and you will see a difference in your life. Be determined to speak His words of love, faith, joy,peace,and grace.. In other words speak GOD'S word over your circumstances.

James 3:7-8 says; the tongue can't be tamed with the same power with which man tames animals. It takes God's wisdom to help you. Prov.2:6 says; He also said His word are spirit and life. I believe that means it takes God's Word to tame our tongues.

You need to ask God to forgive you for not believing that HE is still in control and that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.(Eph.3:20).
Listen to yourself think, Do I want what I just said to come to pass? If you just said NO, then stop and correct yourself right then. Replace your words with God's Words. And you will see GREAT things come to pass in your life.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I choose to believe!

I believe that God has great plans for all of us~~His Word promises that He does."No eyes has seen, nor ears has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him" (1 Cor.2:9).
But many of us are not experiencing  the abundant life because we don't know who we are. We have believed the lies that we are not good enough, unloved, unworthy,and unforgivable.
 We have been looking in a distorted mirror far too long. Remember the mirrors you stood in front of at the County Fair? How they would make you look real tall and skinny? And one would make you look real short and fat? 
God wants us to look into the only true mirror that will tell us exactly who we are, what we have,and where we are as a child of God~~ His Word. Is the key to living a victorious Christian life. Don't you think it's time to start believing the truth about yourself? It's time to hear God say.I fearfully and wonderfully made you "You are loved by me". It's your choice to change your thoughts today and believe God's best for you.
Say~~ I choose to see myself the way God see's me. Now smile and
Make It A Good Day!

Monday, January 19, 2009

We stand on the brink of another President being sworn in to office tomorrow. What does the world hold for us? So many question people are asking. The economy is struggling.. new leadership is taking place...  what are we going to do? Everyone seems to have opinion about how to correct every problem. One thing is for certain. God has neither moved nor changed and when  we know Him the future cannot harm us. 
How can you live in peace and don't worry?
God never asks us to do anything that He doesn't empower us to do. In Philippians the bible says that Paul  tells us, "Do not be anxious about anything."The word Anxious means, to be pulled in different directions. English root  word from which we get our word "worry" meaning to strangle. Worry can strangle us,  but trust breaks the hold of worry in our lives. Worry is a control issue. Its opposite is trust. Choose to trust and you will not worry. Choose to worry and you will not trust. 
What a great promise is found in Isaiah 26:3 "You, Lord, give true peace to those who depend on you,because they trust you."  Every opportunity to worry is also an opportunity to trust God.  Choose trust!  
What are you worry about? 
What fear is gripping your heart? 
Take action!   Claim  God's promises for you, exchange your worries for God's gift of peace!
Today I choose to face my fears with prayer and in doing so I will declare my trust in Jesus. Casting all my care on Him because He cares for me!

Make It A good Day!