Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I choose to believe!

I believe that God has great plans for all of us~~His Word promises that He does."No eyes has seen, nor ears has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him" (1 Cor.2:9).
But many of us are not experiencing  the abundant life because we don't know who we are. We have believed the lies that we are not good enough, unloved, unworthy,and unforgivable.
 We have been looking in a distorted mirror far too long. Remember the mirrors you stood in front of at the County Fair? How they would make you look real tall and skinny? And one would make you look real short and fat? 
God wants us to look into the only true mirror that will tell us exactly who we are, what we have,and where we are as a child of God~~ His Word. Is the key to living a victorious Christian life. Don't you think it's time to start believing the truth about yourself? It's time to hear God say.I fearfully and wonderfully made you "You are loved by me". It's your choice to change your thoughts today and believe God's best for you.
Say~~ I choose to see myself the way God see's me. Now smile and
Make It A Good Day!


  1. i am reminded of the song "i know who i am" by israel houghton- Thanks for the word. It is refreshing! Love you!

  2. "I choose to see myself the way God see's me"... I said it! =) Great Blog my friend. I am faithfully having a morning quiet time now and I am getting to know God and myself better. When I look in the mirror... I hope to see Him looking back at me.

    Love ya!!
